

Some days are harder than others to see the good in humans. I'm still an idealist, I do think we could live in a world someday that has no need for guns or violence or hatred. It might not be this world, but I do believe one like that exists, or could. A lot of people just so readily accept what they are told to believe, without questioning the why behind it. I have never been one of those people, and I never will be.
Fear of death is not a justification for me. Justification for weapons, overblown military, walls to keep people in and out, names given to each other to define our differences, lies we tell our children to scare them - not even thinking of the imprint we leave.
The most lethal of all though, is the human mind, capable of such atrocities, that I cannot conceive of how we've survived this long.
It has to stop at some point. There must be a threshold to the pain and sadness, and when we reach it, surely we'll be able to see what we've done and will hopefully be able to mourn the loss of our own humanity.
You won't find me holding my breath.
My ideals remain in tact, and because of this, I still find hope. My words always belie such despair, but I am actually quite the opposite for the most part.


Outis said...

As a jaded, miserable cynic--most of the time (I do still have my short-lived moments of belief), I have to say: For the love of God, don't let your ideals slip out from under your feet like some cheap Persian rug. Even when your ideals put you in the wrong, you're still a better person for having them.

Semiotic Ghost said...

I wouldn't be surprised if the planet wiped us out and started fresh.

Have you read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn or the God Delusion? They address similar issues with humanity from different perspectives (the former deals with sociology through myth while the latter obviously focuses on religion).

Blackpetunia said...

I've read Ishmael. I remember being very affected by it at the time. I've told other people about the book over the years as well. I haven't read the God Delusion though, is that a sort of sequel?
Have you ever read Joseph Campbell? He had a lot of good things to say about the need for myths.

Semiotic Ghost said...

I'm glad to hear that you've read Ishmael. It changed and helped define many of viewpoints. There are sequels to it, but the God Delusion is Richard Dawkins newest book. Sorry for the confusion.

I've read a little bit of Joseph Campbell when I was studying James Joyce. I need to read more though.

Jessica Krug said...

I need to call you. I will, soon, I'm back now.

I'd love your take on the notion that love without proof is only poetry, and how that bears on the value of consciousness without specific kinds of action.

Spoony Quine said...

` Good to know you haven't taken the trip into the Doldrums.
` That gives me an idea! We can make our own town where it's illegal to lack the ability of critical thinking.
` That way, we won't have this crap happening. Whaddaya say?

Anonymous said...

I just came back from Stardust - I would like to believe in the fairy tale love that it portrays, but I'm afraid that it is all poetry with no proof...I went with one of my boyfriends as T would say and of course he told me things that says that love exists only in the minds of females....so off I go to dream wherest only my love lies.