
Out of touch, and finally happy about it

In my daily browsing of the internet I finally came across a subject that I couldn't leave unposted on.
I'm not sure how or why I've never heard of this, but I'm a bit puzzled.

My first reaction is, a really big WTF?
My second reaction is, this is real?
Yes, people will pay hundreds of dollars to wear jewelry on their teeth.
I had to look it up since the state of Texas is talking about banning it, along with earlobe stretching, in their schools.
I thought, ok, anything they'll ban in Texas can't be that bad, right?

Chew on this, sucker

Oh, no, it's much worse than you or I thought. Didn't anybody tell these people what they look like? Could they not afford mirrors after spending all their money on their bling. And for that matter, I never really knew that the "bling" thing was specific to shiny objects, but this is probably one of the original references.

I remember when we used to want to pretend to wear retainers and bend paper clips to fit in our mouths, sometimes we would do it with rubber bands. Once you get poked in the gums a few times you realize that it's pretty stupid, and you quit doing it.

I'm at a loss, this discovery just erased about 3 years worth of brain cells and I feel that my typing skills may be damaged.


locomocos said...

That's disgrusting.

people like that are straight on their way to O.G.ing (AKA OVER GOLD)

They're gonna ban it in the schools? Thank GAWD.

I remember pretending to have a retainer too. You're right. After the first couple time i poked myself a recess, it started to suck. Wonder how long it will take these kids to notice how gross it is at recess....

oh wait. They're in high school.


DOOD. I sent you an email! Did you not get it?

Ted said...

That's hideous. Now, if they could have their entire skeleton, everything BUT their teeth, covered in that (Wolverene, or T1000 style)... that'd be cool.

Blackpetunia said...

Yeah, it brought many things to mind. The first was the way my grandma pronounces "girls", and also the I'm gonna get you sucka movie, that was probably third.
Somewhere around twelfth was the fact that when MY teeth were messed up and rotting as a kid I had to get caps on my teeth, and these people are trying to emulate that?? Didn't they have a healthy relationship with the toothfairy as a kid? I don't get it.

Blackpetunia said...

and ps back at you cass, I didn't get an email....

Anonymous said...

Anymore, "nothing's shocking" but it truley baffles me how far people will go (and how stupid they are) to be different. I don't think i'll ge getting my teeth blinged anytime soon (haha)

Blackpetunia said...

well, don't tell your neighbor Michael about this....

Spoony Quine said...

` Ugh! This reminds me of those two years I spent with braces....
` If you think that's disturbing, have you ever heard of JewelEye? It goes right into the eyeball....

Blackpetunia said...

You know, I think I may have heard about it, and yesterday I was thinking that someone will probably start doing that, yech.